What I Saw in the Psych Ward

About 20 years ago, I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. As a general rule, I try to avoid talking about it, but it isn’t a secret: I have written about it before, and a lot of people online know about it. The reason I bring it up here is because it relates to a topic that deserves far more attention than it is currently getting: the astronomical suicide rate among white men. I just read an article about this from Rolling Stone-the article was, in my opinion, mostly bullshit. It focused exclusively on suicide in the American West, and blamed it mostly on guns, conservatism, and lack of mental health facilities in the area. But the author of that piece admitted at the end that he struggled with thoughts of suicide too. I thought that was righteous. After thinking about it, I decided to break my general rule of not talking about my own mental health history, first, because it doesn’t seem right to discuss someone else’s problems while pretending that I don’t have any problems, and secondly, because many people, when they learn of the high suicide rates among American men, will believe that the answer is to bring in more psychologists and to throw more money at the problem. My extensive experience with the mental health establishment in this country indicates to me that they are the problem, not the answer.

The first thing any conservative leaning person needs to know is that psychologists are overwhelmingly liberal. Even Psychology Today admits this: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-big-questions/201103/does-psychology-have-liberal-bias

The author of the piece in Psychology Today is focused on how liberal bias in psychology can influence scientific findings, and that is definitely a concern, but liberal bias in psychology also determines who gets treated and how they get treated. Simply put, after what I have seen and experienced from psychologists, I cannot recommend them. Yes, there are a few good psychologists here and there-Jordan Peterson comes to mind-but finding a good one in real life is a hunt for a needle in a haystack. Over 90% of psychologists are liberal, and they aren’t just kind of sort of liberal: we are talking about a profession that officially and enthusiastically embraces the practice of surgically mutilating confused children. Considering this, why would anyone accept their advice about anything? Conservatives ought to reject modern psychology outright: we should not be tolerating the mutilation of children from so called professionals, and we should not be taking the advice of these so called professionals about anything.

But where would that leave us? There are some people who need help: at this point in time, child mutilating psychologists are the only game in town. We should be working to change that: in the meantime, it is legitimate to ask if accepting “help” from someone who believes in mutilating children will do more harm than good. And that question applies triple and quadruple if you are a white, heterosexual male.

I will be blunt: most psychologists are feminazis. Some of them are female, and some of them are male, but virtually all of them are hardcore leftists and they do not like real men. If you are a real man, they will tell you that is your whole problem, and they will try to convince you to stop being a real man: if they do not succeed in convincing you, they will simply stop working with you. Then, you can go looking for another psychologist if you want, but it will probably happen again, and again and again and again. If you look up psychologists online, you will see that most of them are very enthusiastic about helping gay and “transgender” people, especially those who want to transition, but straight people, not so much, and straight men, not at all. I cannot count how many different psychologists I have been too, or how many times I told them that I didn’t believe in feminism and had no interest in female empowerment: to say that they gave me a cool reception-and I mean, all of them, every single one of them- would be the understatement of all time. I shudder to think of how they would treat a man who questioned feminist orthodoxy.

If you are really in dire straights and end up in the psych ward, the best outcome you can hope for is that you will be offered a medication that works. I was lucky: that is what happened to me. There has been a great deal of progress with psychiatric medications, and if you are lucky, you may find that you don’t even need to take a lot of them. For me, one pill, 10mgs of Abilify, which is a low dose, makes all the difference in the world. I cannot stress this enough: my rejection of psychology is not a rejection of psychiatric medication. I know from firsthand experience the incredible difference that an effective medication can make.

Unfortunately, I also know from first hand experience that hopefully effective pills are all that the psychological establishment can offer at this point in time. There has been a great deal of progress with pharmaceuticals; beyond that, psychology at this point is doing more harm than good. When it reaches the point where most psychologists are in favor of mutilating children, it’s fair to say that the psychological establishment in America is evil. We can only hope that in future years their crimes against humanity will be recognized.

But right now, what are we meant to do? How do we help suffering people, how do we address the rapidly accelerating suicide rate of men-a problem which most psychologists are blithely unconcerned about? I am very open to suggestions. It seems to me that the first thing we need to do is recognize that modern psychology is not the answer, and the second thing we need to do is put a stop to the male bashing that modern psychology has been encouraging for decades. Obviously, those struggling with suicidal thoughts have problems that go way beyond being hated by feminists, but that hatred will never make anything better. The last thing a vulnerable guy needs is to be hectored and told how privileged and evil he supposedly is. If we want to ease the suffering that so many men are experiencing right now, putting a stop to this hatred is one thing we can do.

38 thoughts on “What I Saw in the Psych Ward

    1. Last time I checked, this is getting more and more difficult to do. Many “mental health clinics” will not prescribe medication unless you also subject yourself to “therapy”. And independent psychiatrists seem to be thin on the ground. The wonderful man who prescribes my medication is some kind of nurse practitioner who works independently, in fairness, I should point out that I was referred to him by a feminist psychologist who knew that conventional therapy wasn’t going to help me. I think she took pity on me, and I thank her for that. That is probably the only nice thing a psychologist ever did for me.

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    2. If I hadn’t been fortunate enough to find the nurse practitioner who does my prescribing, it is very possible that I would be stuck with some clinic that would require me to show up once a week and deal with some feminazi psychologist.

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      1. First: Brava! for the post, JaC….Glad you’ve been able to find resources and people who meet your needs!

        Second: Not easy to become a *good* therapist, especially if you prefer Christianity to secular humanism; that’s why yours truly is a Chaps instead. 🙂

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      2. Now I am intrigued; what would one’s religious views have to do with it? Why would being a Christian make it more difficult to become a good therapist?

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      3. When I was newly-graduated with a Psych B.A., my family treated me to a two-day seminar w/M. Scott Peck, MD. [“The Road Less Traveled”] . During a Q&A session, he said that one needed to “shed personal values like a lab coat.” and that the ‘guiding philosophy’ of psychology/psychiatry is secular humanism. Those statements set me on the path to chaplaincy.

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      4. Wow!!!!! You actually met M.Scott Peck?!?! Wow!!!!!

        It very much surprises me that he endorsed secular humanism and shedding one’s values. I think I have read all of his books, and I disagree with him vehemently about many things, but I always appreciated that his overall approach seemed to be rooted in the Judeo Christian ethic.

        The main about him that I really liked, though, was that he struggled with depression himself and was willing to talk about it. I got the feeling that he didn’t look down on his patients. Those who work in the mental health profession are largely self selected; some of them have never been depressed a day in their lives, and I get the feeling that they look down on the people they work with. Dr Peck’s willingness to write about his own struggles helped me tremendously, and I will always thank him for that, even if he was totally wrong about pretty much everything else 🙂

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  1. “Psychologists are not doctors. People should seek out a psychiatrist, for starters.”

    Hyp, I love ya, but I gotta call bias here; for the 1-to-2% of folks with ‘structural’ issues – like disorders of thinking or affect – yeah, you need the gal or guy who can script the medicine that will adjust the neurological imbalance, and keep the patient safe….For the vast majority, who have a variety of issues with coping, adjustment to life changes, ‘burnout’, etc. psychologists, peer support – to whom one can hold oneself accountable – and ‘action-step’, targeted lifestyle changes, and behavioral strategies can make a difference (with periodic tune-ups, as needed.) Also, more coordination among primary care and mental health practitioners: to catch problems early and coordinate meds to guard against over-use/inappropriate use.

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      1. As you know, JaC, there’s art and science involved here. For instance: journaling/reporting triggers and symptoms; intensity/duration – before a med, or cocktail of meds, is tried – then, more documentation by the patient/loved ones, to see what and how much, when and how often – works best.

        That kind of interpersonal teamwork is rare; “protocols” dictated by benefits systems/payers rule the day. I think that and the inevitable seepage of political correctness into the helping-professions is what makes good folks opt-out or retire. Dr. K. used to rail against the trend toward letting the structurally mentally ill “die with their rights on”. I couldn’t agree more.

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      2. “Dr. K. used to rail against the trend toward letting the structurally mentally ill “die with their rights on”. I couldn’t agree more.”

        I agree with this as well. Fortunately for me, I was in crises at a time when the mentally ill had fewer rights in Massachusetts than they do now. At one point, I was totally refusing to take my medication, and they actually convened a courtroom where I was ordered by a judge to take the meds voluntarily, or be forcibly injected. I opted to take them “voluntarily”, Lol. But, that was 20 years ago: now? They would probably let me out, as I wanted them to do at that time.

        I mentioned before that most psychologists seem to be totally unconcerned about male suicide, or suicide at all, really, unless it’s the suicide of a transgendered person. They are also seem to be totally unconcerned about people with serious mental illnesses who obviously cannot function without medication. This is just one more thing that makes me question why we are listening to these people.

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      3. Right you are….A noble branch of a worthy profession has been infected with socio-political correctness. And spiritual assessment has been added to the nurses’ already bursting portfolio. (Sigh)

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      1. Many thanks, @thepaperbackbadass! B.A.in Psychology, M.A.in Theology/retired certified hospital chaplain’s comments here. 🙂

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  2. Re: Dr. Peck’s comments to me: He was speaking on a Catholic college campus, to a general audience. I think he was addressing the state of the profession – in the early Eighties – not his personal views. Still, it was my cue to proceed down another, related path. I always enjoyed his books, too. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Jac, I speak sincerely here:
    You must have rcvd some effective treatment because I look upon you as one of the most grounded and sensible members on the site! I luv your posts. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  4. The part where most people are not focused on helping straight white men might actually be true and that is not because they don’t want to help you but rather because they are more dedicated towards supporting gays, females and black people so that they don’t show preferential treatment to the white male, however often this can lead to undermining the attention given to the white males which might just be the case here.

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    1. I am finding your perspective as a doctor so helpful, thank you! It is dismaying whenever anyone receives unequal treatment, especially in medicine.

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      1. Exactly, especially in medicine. And despite the fact that feminism was created to obtain equal rights for women, it possibly has shifted more towards giving females a leg up higher than males which may not sit right with some people and understandably so.

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  5. The part where modern psychology may not be the answer is slightly on the edge though. I am a doctor, not a psychologist or psychiatrist but for the completion of my degree, I have read these subjects. Their understanding of the working of the human mind is quite interesting and for the most part, make a lot of sense. It’s application does differ from doctor to doctor and that is why changing doctors does help. Simply quoting “I do not believe in feminism” might be met with a few stern glances but maybe if yoh explained your reasons, people might actually understand you, because in your article it makes perfect sense why you don’t support feminists, but support equality in general, not just preferential treatment for women.

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    1. Most of the professionals I have encountered are not doctors, or even psychologists. Most are licensed social workers. I did try to explain my reasons for opposing feminism, but even so, I usually, or always got a very chilly reception. I was surprised by this.

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      1. It did sound surprising to me too and if someone doesn’t want to hear you and judge you at the start, well thats really not on you. As far as most professionals being only social workers, I’m sorry I had no clue about that. Obviously, people with only little training and not a deeper understanding are not well equipped to treat you or for that matter anyone.

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      2. Well, they are social workers with a Master’s degree. It is rare to find an actual psychologist, and almost unheard of to find a psychiatrist who does counseling-most just focus on medication.

        I very much get the feeling that social workers are interested mainly in indoctrination, or at best, raising self esteem through feminism. Many teachers are more interested in indoctrination than education, and the same seems to hold true for those who offer counseling.


      3. You might be onto something. From my view point and where I work, the psychiatry department has always been my favourite, purely because it is impressive to see a doctor understand the inner workings of the mind of the patients. But I do understand that this might not be the case everywhere and maybe even if social workers have the right intention and want to help you out, their approach does require some modifications

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  6. Medication always helps, but I’m not sure if you are reading about their I’ll effects as well because that is why people prefer psychology to psychiatry for non organic illness. Schizophrenia however is treated majorly with pills and supported with counselling. Simple counselling might not help you for this reason.

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  7. Several years ago, when one of my relatives couldn’t use generic Abilify because it wouldn’t work, we looked on the website to find out if Abilify could be obtained at a lower cost, or free. The answer is yes, there was a program available, but the offer was NOT available to people OVER 65.

    And it’s said there is no age discrimination? “Psychs” in Canada are pushing people into assisted suicide…a holocaust for the elderly.

    If I were the suspicious type, I’d say that someone wants people over 65 to die so that we can’t get the social security that we paid into for 40 years.

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    1. Hi floridaborne, great to see you! 🙂
      The way elderly people are treated in Western society is horrifying, and euthanasia is the epitome of the way our society abandons the old. Having said that, I have been on abilify for many years, and have read many times that abilify is, for some reason, dangerous for elderly people. I don’t know why. This might be a reason why it wasn’t covered in the program you refer to, but of course, I don’t know for sure.

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      1. It’s scary stuff, for sure. I haven’t had any problems, but my doctor and I are both committed to taking the lowest possible dose.

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