As the United States vacates some of the foreign outposts, China is moving in to fill up the vacuum at a fast pace. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s latest visit to the Middle East is an indication in that direction. He has vowed to work with Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, UAE, Bahrain and Oman to help protect their core interests against foreign interference. China’s rhetoric has been harsh in recent times and it appears ready to back up the rhetoric with tough actions.

China’s involvement in the region is neither recent nor has been peaceful as it prefers to portray itself. In the 1950s and 60s, China associated closely with nationalist governments and movements in various countries including Algeria, Egypt, Palestine, Eritrea, and the Gulf. It provided them financial and military assistance, sold arms and ammunition (sometimes to both the warring parties). It changed the tack in the 70s but the new avatar was unveiled only in the 90s.

On the other hand U.S. President Joe Biden barely two months into presidency seems tired of dealing with the Middle East. He announced an end to U.S. support for Saudi-led operations in Yemen with in the first two weeks in the office. Latest developments as per Wall Street Journal are that U.S. has begun to reconfigure its military capabilities in the Gulf and removed at least three Patriot missile defence systems, divereted aircraft carrier and surveillance systems from the region.



  1. “Latest developments as per Wall Street Journal are that U.S. has begun to reconfigure its military capabilities in the Gulf and removed at least three Patriot missile defence systems, divereted aircraft carrier and surveillance systems from the region.”

    I’m ok removing blood and treasure from the Gulf but there appears to be no serious investment in national protection/security. Biden is basically setting us up to be “sitting ducks;” no allies, no money thrown at intelligence, no missile protection and obviously, no control over the borders.

    We’ve all determined this is happening but I still don’t understand the desire to “kneecap” one’s own country. These pols can’t possibility be so stupid to misunderstand what they’re doing (just as Obama was not) and are, in fact, intentionally willing the downfall of the U.S.

    Why? What’s in it for them if there is nothing left?

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Liz, they (China) don’t care if they rule over *ashes*; it’s delusional. And we don’t seem to care, if we can get $5.00 soccer balls, instead of $10.00 ones. It’s fatally short-sighted: a toxic combo, for sure….

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Systematically over some time, a large number of politicians, diplomats, admirals, and generals have directly or indirectly worked for China in various countries. The United States is no exception. Even if they are not on the payroll of China, for some strange reason they have ignored the China problem rather than take it head-on.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. As always, Commander, you bring understanding and alternative views to those who may feel overwhelmed by the current geo-political situation. Thanks also for your willingness to propose solutions, as well as clarifying problems. This is very much appreciated!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. You’ve put your finger on it, Sandomina; amazing how short-sighted we can be! No forward thinking, at all. It’s rather discouraging.Do you see any signs of improvement possible?

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Just as an aside, does anybody on the left read history? One overthrows a govt and is left by the corrupt power seekers around them.

    Except there is no honor among thieves. If one destroys the rule of law, you endanger your own life. Anyone remember how Stalin died? He was holding a cabinet meeting (with Khrushchev at his side who he was targeting next), had a massive heart attack due to rat poisoning and everyone walked out of the room to let him die.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I’m reticent to do so because I’m notorious for “unexpected” reactions to almost everything. This is not to say I am anti-vaccine (thank G-d for the polio and smallpox inoculations) but I am concerned that because of the urgency of the matter, we had to bypass the usual 10 year test period so I’m staying masked and careful with whom I associate.

    My biggest fear even after Governor DeSantis’ veto of a “passport” is that it will be required eventually to go anywhere.

    I’ve been displeased at the information dispersed by the MSM and Fauci about demographics and pre-existing conditions and I generally react poorly to hysterical reactions that everyone is equally prone to getting this.

    I’d be very interested in feedback from members, particularly Hypatia as she is married to a MD. (My good friend is an internist as well, but she works for Pfizer in NYC so I’d prefer additional opinions.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. After the second shot, my cousin was in so much pain that she had tears running down her face. This is a woman who gave birth to five children. Makes me think twice before getting vaccinated.


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