Operational pause to clarify the purpose & necessity for the Winning the Peace concept (AKA: Plan Mexico)

I’d like to either clarify the WP concept and/or see if I can convince you of the utility of a program such as this. If I can’t convince you, with your background and experience, of the need for something like this then I’m probably barking up the wrong tree. Let me try to first lay out why I think we need this.

GWOT, WW IV, the war against Islamofascism or whatever it is called (still working on that too) is going to last for generations and we need to get our minds set for a marathon not a sprint. 

The US alone cannot win this war at a reasonable cost. We are going to have to develop non-traditional allies, particularly allies located along the fault lines of where civilizations clash. 

This is more of a paramilitary operation that requires HUMINT. 

The locals are always going to be the best at finding, fixing, and neutralizing the bad actors within their country/society. 

I’ve lost faith in our senior military leaders and that is why I’m drafting my Winning the Peace (WP) magnum opus. One of the major (unspoken) points is that WP intentionally gets almost all of the tactical and most of the operational level decision making down to the SNCOs and field grades who can still be trusted to do the right things for the right reasons. 

Our military advisors that are in the program must have almost native language and cultural skills, and we don’t know how to give them that training. 

The DOD has to do this because State, CIA, DEA, USAID, etc., don’t have and will not ever have the institutional knowledge and skill sets required to train and equip the Partner Nations to conduct Foreign Internal Defense (FID) or even give reliable advice to the DOD on issues of FID or national defense. 

Our WP advisors will work in the field with Partner Nation (PN) military and/or paramilitary units and focus on improving their ability to sustain themselves in the field. 

WP primary focus is on developing PN’s intel, supply, maintenance, and logistics capablities. 

This helps me to believe that we will still have a nation post-Obama and that there will be men willing to risk life, limb, and eye ball to defend her.

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