Tantric Metta Awakening

I have been practicing tantric metta awakening (TMA) for decades with almost no awareness of why or what I was actually doing. Recently, suddenly, and due to a series of back-to-back-to-back horrific events it became crystal clear that TMA is the practice of ‘stretching’ oneself by weaving a loving kindness throughout your sphere of influence. The awakening occurs when you discover that through sacrificial benevolence your life will have more focus, a higher purpose, and deeper meaning. TMA is not an instructional manual to improve your sex life but it can; however, that is merely Miss Serendipity rocking your world because of, you know, good karma dude.

Live in ‘the now’ as much as possible and practice TMA constantly. In so doing you will find happiness right were you are. I promise.

30 thoughts on “Tantric Metta Awakening

  1. In case you are wondering or needing a suggestion with whom to start your TMA practice, a great place to begin is by visiting and/ or supporting a local orphanage.

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    1. The physical manifestations of this practice – so touted by the reductionism of the classic Western POV – is a result of the enlarging of one’s heart/strengthening of one’s spirit that has to be expressed in the intimacy I’ve referenced…Intimacy happens from the inside out, so to speak. Good stuff from Dr. Peterson, too, ST! Wonder what C. S. Lewis’s The Four Loves would add here? (Yes, I’ll research and report back, if you’d like.)

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    1. Rereading the underlining I’d done in this book (The Four Loves; HarperCollins, 1960) awhile ago, several things struck me about Lewis’s considerations of Affection, Friendship, Eros, and Charity…
      First, that he views them as sequential in importance and development – as does most of Western thought; each is seen as a stage that one enters, completes, and moves on from, to the next: Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

      Next, that 3 of the 4, reference the creative, sustaining Love that is God with an overlay of human need or desire that can either lead one Godward – or become a god in and of itself – perhaps even a spur for hate. Even ‘disinterested’ agape can be coopted this way, (Sigh).

      Lewis does concede that there can be strands of both “Need (self-focused) Love”
      and “God (other-focused) Love” woven into, through, and between all four of the expressions of love that he’s described throughout the book. In this sense, he can be seen as acknowledging the fluidity of the tantric view, even while the West is his frame of reference…

      Whew! How’s that, ST?

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      1. I seem to recall St. Paul’s advice in the Letter to the Romans: “If possible, on your part, live at peace with all.” [Romans 12:18, NABRE] as a favorite of yours in this effort, too, amigo mio.

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      2. “…he can be seen as acknowledging the fluidity of the tantric view…”

        Can you explain this a bit more. Not sure that I am tracking.

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  2. The ‘elephant’s memory’ is a survival tool; thanks for the appreciation!

    Originally, I thought that Lewis was going at this from the outside-in point of view most Westerners have about growth and relationship; then, I saw his warnings about the potential for self-focus to find its way into *agape*, for Pete’s sake, and…There you are, at the inside-out way of encountering others you describe: Harmony, where I thought there was none…Kinda neat, I think…

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    1. Ah, Numbers 25:1-15 meets John 13:15…Interesting…(You know how to pick them, ST.) Night helper is here, so here’s a start: Leaving aside ‘just-war’ theory, for the present – because an erstwhile encounter with that one went on for almost a week – and nearly gave me a case of carpal tunnel syndrome, let’s come at this from another angle, perhaps applying the TST principle: That love of God can mingle with self -love when determining a course of action: They needn’t be mutually-exclusive in order to achieve an outcome pleasing to God…to be continued..

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  3. Continued…Phineas [Num. 25:6-13] is rewarded for the killing of the apostate Zumri and his Moabite companion, which brings an end to the deadly plague merited by Israel’s idolatrous worship at Baal-Peor – a reprise of the incident of the Golden Calf in Exodus 32:

    Interestingly, the earlier episode was ended by God’s action in healing, while the later one was ended when Phineas, motivated by zeal took individual action against an individual offender that God deemed sufficient to have made reparation for the offense against the Holy One – and was rewarded for his overwhelming love for God, and concern for the integrity of God’s covenant with Israel.

    The mingling of self-love and love for God as one makes interpersonal decisions – especially in conflict circumstances – requires both a willingness to take life (as Phineas did) in order to preserve it, and an openness to offering one’s own life in protection and service. A fine line, like the well-honed edge of a warrior’s sword. Crossing that line ‘without prejudice’ has the potential to move one from small–r redeemer to renegade, perhaps…A dilemma without a “once-and-for-all” solution that one must grapple with whenever it presents itself. (Mostly, because the tussle strengthens, and because we’re different every day, says the TST principle.) Until next time, Chaps is on the move, over and out…Vaya con Dios! Peace out!

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  4. It appears, ST, that yours truly cannot use the “write” button on the blog page menu; so, if you’d like a “Stump the Chaps” feature this week, please add a post; if not, no worries…Chao!

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  5. I’ll be happy to do another “Stump the Chaps” post sometime too, ST…Prime the pump with a thought for consideration whenever you want the series to continue. (Or, I can pull from the comments above – for a true first entry.) Let me know…I’ll be around later. Chao!

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  6. Apropos of the OP: I just realized this morning that I’ve experienced this inside-outness, too, all unawares at the time…


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