Gaza Redux

This is in response to the attacks on Israeli citizens coming out of Gaza this morning.
We “People of the Book” know Gaza in association with Samson, Israel’s legendarily strong champion. His illustrious career ended there when he,imprisoned, blinded and forced to turn a mill like an old horse, miraculously regained his strength while on display in the temple of Baal, and brought the huge stone edifice down on his enemies.
We SHOULD know Gaza from a much more recent event: Israel’s 2005 withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, forcibly displacing Jews, its own citizens, in the latest spasm of that Ol’ lie: “Land for peace”. Nuh-uh: you give up the land, but you don’t get no peace. Hamas allowed the infrastructure, utilities, greenhouses the Israelis had abandoned ( nobody destroyed these blessings of civilization on the way out) to fall into ruin; all it cared about was turning Gaza into a base from which to attack Israel.

Does anybody else even remember those heartbreaking scenes? Some Jews left sorrowfully, grimly, but obedient to civil authorities, others held out until the Israeli military bulldozers came and destroyed the homes they had built in Eretz Israel, of which Gaza was part. They wept, they pleaded, but they did not rebel or attack.

how could you have forgotten it?

God save His people. Let them , like Samson, recover their legendary strength in the hour, and utterly destroy their ancient enemies, the Pilistu, the Philistines, the “Palestinians”.

I have seen the Valley of Megiddeh (popularly rendered “Armageddon”) in Israel, the lowest place on earth, below sea level, the place where the final battle between good and evil will be fought.

I was a heedless teenager then, and the coming battle seemed as comfortably far off as…….the day the Earth will fall into the sun.

In less than one lifetime (mine) the world has been brought to the crumbling slopes of that dire valley, darkest and lowest of all dread valleys.

(O yes: “the world”! Because what nation, no matter how remote, how powerful or powerless, does NOT now passionately concern itself with, dare to JUDGE, the fate of Israel: a nation smaller than New Jersey and with less population?)


2 thoughts on “Gaza Redux

  1. I do remember, and was both heartbroken and dumbfounded at the time. I particularly recall the Jews leaving everything functional and the how quickly the benefactors destroyed everything either by neglect or vandalism. Peace through strength is the lesson unlearned by civilized man.

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    1. Islam is like the bastard, retarded child of Judaism and Christianity. Oh yes, it’s ours, anybody who has assayed reading the Koran knows that. It left home years ago, it tried to destroy us but was vanquished to the deserts and caves….it slumbered….but all of a sudden, ‘round bout 1975: oil! Ever since then it has popped up, appeared in its medieval splendor to threaten and terrorize…and now, it’s come back to kill its unloving parents. This time it may succeed, because we feel to guilty to give it the coup de grâce. America didn’t, after 9/11, when we SHOULD have. I’m afraid Israel may prove just as fatally indecisive.

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