30 thoughts on “Fury

    1. I have always respected your opinion, and I always will. I am not sure if it is possible to like a movie about war, but I hope that I am a better person for having watched this movie; everyone should watch it.

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  1. It’s all good but I think I said Brad Pitt’s character did an excellent job of portraying senior enlisted combat leadership.

    Judy, please tell us know how this movie impacted your thinking on small-unit military leadership in a combat environment?

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    1. How did this movie impact my thinking on small-unit military leadership in a combat environment? I respect them now more than ever. I don’t want to give any spoilers, but there were scenes in the movie which depicted situations I had never pictured or imagined which senior combat leadership have to grapple with. I think I might understand why you recommended this movie in particular; I have seen a lot of war movies, but “Fury” made me say “Wow, I never thought of that, I never looked at it that way before”

      I am not sure how to go into more detail without giving away information about the movie.

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    1. I AM in love with Cooper but have watched many of the greats so I’d challenge your last remark here.

      My list and not in any chronological order:
      The Dirty Dozen
      The Great Escape
      Das Boot
      Saving Private Ryan
      Deerhunters (my favorite of all of them)
      Apocalypse Now

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    1. “Definition of bow up. dialectal. : to reach the limit of one’s patience and rebel”

      Who is getting bowed up? 🙂

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      1. Sorry, I was getting Brad Pitt confused with Bradley Cooper, maybe, I think? I am having trouble keeping track of all these men 🙂

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      2. He doesn’t Judy! I was just moved by the film. And one of the most gut-wrenching scenes was when Kyle was talking to a counselor at a VA hospital and was asked, “Does it haunt you that you took so many lives?” and his response was clear and concise:

        “No, what haunts me are all the men I couldn’t save.”

        That remark had every woman in the theater weeping.

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  2. “The Best Years of Our Lives” still tells the truth for me, without Hollywood pyrotechnics. I don’t know how Liz can ‘loop’ “American Sniper”. It took me two days to watch it through once.

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      1. ST, the movie was released in 1946; directed by William Wyler, and starred Frederic March, Myrna Loy, Dana Andrews, Theresa Wright, and Harold Russell. It beat out “it’s A Wonderful Life” for Best Picture. It taught me about the horror and cost of war more effectively than any ‘war movie’ I’ve ever seen, before or since. I first saw it in a high-school ‘film studies’ class in 1975 – and met Harold Russell in DC – in 1976. It takes my breath away/makes me smile/brings me to tears every time I watch it. It’s my Veterans Day movie – like “Taking Chance” is for Memorial Day.

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      1. Thank you for the explanation. I’ve watched this movie three times because I’m fascinated with people (soldiers, businessmen, et al.) who have the strength, the nerve, the bravery to take risks and accomplish impressive things.

        As for you ST, sorry you think of me in such a superficial way. Bradley Cooper or not, Chris Kyle represents the finest of Americans and I appreciate that Cooper and Eastwood did this hero justice in the film.

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      2. Liz, I was totally joking about Bradley Cooper, and while I don’t want to speak for him, I feel pretty confident saying that Simon was totally joking too: I think he and I were both just in a silly mood last night. I am so sorry, no offense was intended.

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      1. I ran into her pre-chinkbug at the mall here. She could not have been prouder to have introduced me to her 13 year old daughter. I hung out with the hooker who loved me and her daughter for a bit and shared some laughs. She has a wicked and biting sense of humor that I enjoy. The serendipity of seeing people stare at us was nearly overwhelming.

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