The Longest Day…

…is today, June 20!
“O do not tell the priest our plight/For he would call it a sin—/But we have been out in the woods all night /A-conjuring Summer in!/And we bring you good news by word of mouth/Good news for the cattle and corn:/Now is the Sun come up from the South/With oak, ash, and thorn!”


…..And it actually does feel like Midsummer here today, although June usually isnt a very warm month, more spring than summer on our plateau. It’s HOT in fact! Oh, thank you God for placing my life in the temperate zone!

Happy Solstice, Simon and the Ettes and all our readers. Remember, tonight we must make a lot of noise, to keep the sun awake: after today the light begins receding again. 🌞🌞🌖

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